Speaking, Editing, Collaborating

PennedSource Presentation (Lucinda 18) v2PennedSource ProductionsPennedSource Partner (Lucinda 18)

What are the PennedSource Programs?


Speaking / Presentations

PennedSource Presentation (Lucinda 18) v2

Magazines, Other Publications, Media, and Affiliated Organizations can provide platform (the stage) and positioning (the choreography) for and of an Author-Partner’s work. They are also the essential principal actors who set the scene. For examples, see Ann’s ever-growing personal Performance Program that Partners add to as they join the cast. These Presentations assist their understudies by giving nascent or pre-eminent authors the opportunity to express themselves beyond the published book. Think of this script rehearsal as a sort of improv showcase for their skills and topical interests or specialties. The creative approach assists both the media and the messengers – the Presentation-Partner and other Author-Partners – instead of only sometimes-ugly self-promotion. Ann and her team of expert directors and acting coaches can teach you how to make such Presentations relevant, humble, yet still get the credit you deserve to sell books.

Editing / Productions

The act of publishing is more than simply typing on a keyboard, as is quality writing. It is a complex business process, whether the author is in it for money, fame, or just to express ideas. And as in all enterprises small to big, failure to plan is the same as planning to fail.

Did you know, for example, that traditional and independent publishers and agents still require a professionally edited submission to even consider your book? Having a published author with a proven reputation in your corner can even assist in that channel.

Publication success starts with:

  • a good project manager who understands the business
  • with experience from the author’s perspective who takes a personal interest and custom approachPennedSource Productions
  • familiar with both the traditional publishing field and the brave new world of self-publishing
  • who assists in making the plethora of decisions necessary to produce a finished product you can be proud of, but also which will sell
  • and finally, a good editor who does more than merely edit the work, but also has the uncanny ability to step into another author’s head and adapt to your style instead of the other way around, the core essence of producing your best effort.

Ann and PennedSource offer that vision, including from the business and marketing side, given her executive background. She has amassed a varied collection of Presentation-Partners, as well as respected Author-Partners who think the same way, respond to the same professionalism, and help each other prosper. That is why her cache keeps growing. As should yours – from your first book to your last, and beyond.

The many different steps and services will be laid out in a clear and concise proposal, customized to each inquiring author’s needs and budget. No one worthy is ever turned away. Our goal is to establish a formidable alliance of writing professionals who want more than assembly-line production of their hard-earned effort. We want those who pursue success against all odds in one of the toughest professions ever. And we work together toward all Partners garnering widespread acclaim – proven by sales, the truest measure of reaching your intended audience – for each one’s very personal thoughts and ideas, unique knowledge, opinion and style.

Collaborating / Partners

PennedSource Partner (Lucinda 18)

All branded PennedSource Production authors are considered our virtual partners. So are those who have published through traditional channels or self-effort alone who seek to join our alliance. We can show the former how to do it right and the rest how not to have to do it over. Authors who can contribute only sweat equity after being left high and dry by a publisher or eaten by sharks from a blindfolded walk of the self-publishing plank are as welcome as those who understand there is a benefit to getting what you pay for.

Partners may also include a range of other professionals, such as graphic artists or other services that contribute to the mix, to even just rabid fans who would happily serve as guest bloggers or referrers to broadcast success. Those who assist us in this effort are considered our Presentation-Partners, and we value them with the Author-Partners equally.

There is no specific requirement to become a Partner, except to be willing to promote your high-quality work and that of others to the good of all, and to contribute to the advance of other non-author partners by cooperating in acquiring more and feeding into Presentations. Sharing of personal experience and specific results is essential for mutually assured success.


Productions & Partners See for more details: Editing and Consulting/Virtual Publishing

Partners & Presentations See: Speaking and Writing/Virtual Promotion